Contact-Free Delivery Best Practice

How to reduce the risk to both customers and delivery employees in corona times?

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Coronavirus is affecting everyone, delivery businesses are no exception! Food and other packages delivery should be left in front of the door, so there’s no need for face-to-face contact, meaning: contact-free delivery. If the no-contact approach is not possible, then keeping some distance (about 2 meters) is an alternative to consider, everyone should move to contact-free delivery, to keep both customers and delivery employees safe.

Best practices for contact-free delivery

Follow these steps when making a contact-free delivery:

  1. Update your website and social channels, add contact-free delivery badge to all communications, and disable cash on delivery option if possible.

  2. Send email to your customers to inform them that orders will be delivered contact-free from now on.

  3. Let the customer know you’ve arrived, either by phone or by email, and preferably 15 minutes before your arrival.

  4. Leave the order outside the customer’s door, and leave location. Only if completing the delivery process requires that the customer collects the delivery, move to step 5.

  5. Step back at least 2 meters and wait nearby for the customer to collect the delivery, provide a bag for cash payment and tip. You can also ask the customer to hold their ID up for you to check, but don’t take it from them.


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